Practise subtraction sums
5-step plans
Subtraction up to 105-step plan
Subtraction up to 205-step plan
Subtraction up to 505-step plan
Subtraction up to 1005-step plan
Subtraction up to 2005-step plan
Subtraction up to 1,0005-step plan
Subtraction up to 10,0005-step plan
Subtraction up to 10 level 1
Subtraction up to 10 level 2
Speed test substraction to 20
Subtraction up to 20 practise
Subtraction up to 50 practise
Subtraction up to 100 practise
Subtraction speed test to 100
Subtraction up to 50 level 2
Subtraction up to 50 level 3
Subtraction up to 100 level 2
Subtraction up to 100 level 3
Subtraction up to 1,000 practise
Speed test subtraction to 1,000
Subtraction sums up to 1,000 level 2
Subtraction up to 100 level 4
Subtraction up to 10,000 practise
Subtraction sums up to 5,000
Practise all subtraction problems
Subtraction is a basic part of arithmetic. Children start by removing numbers of objects in year two; this is their first step in learning subtraction. They then continue with subtraction problems with one-digit numbers; subtractions under 10 and simple subtraction sums under 20. Year three subtraction covers sums with two two-digit numbers being subtracted from each other. This is further expanded upon in year four, with two numbers of two digits or more being subtracted. In year five to year seven, students repeat subtraction problems.
The website was developed to help primary school students learn arithmetic. By offering clear maths problems, numeracy can be practised both in class and at home. Parents and children can practise together, for instance.
The exercises have been divided per year and per arithmetic skill. Through a variety of exercises you can practise primary school subtraction skills, which you also learn in year two, three, four, five, six, and seven. Play one of the subtraction games too.